25th June – 2020 Vision: The Future of Interactive Broadcast Knowledge & Networking Event – London

 Come and join us on the 25th June in London for the chance to listen to Broadcast  Industry speakers  discussing what the future of broadcast will look like by the year 2020, at our Knowledge and Networking event

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This upcoming event is addressing the very important issue of interactivity within broadcast and how companies must now incorporate this into their campaigns to ensure that customer engagement levels remain high.

The subjects to be discussed are:

  • What are the interactive trends in other territories around the world such as the US, and how will this affect the UK?
  • What are audience attitudes and changes to behaviour towards broadcast and interactivity?
  • How do broadcasters increase interactivity from multi-screen consumers and is this critical?
  • How will broadcasters attract the middle aged disposable income consumers through interactivity?
  • How are broadcasters engaging with the teen and young adult market to ensure they stay engaged with changing technology?

Evening Chair:

Peter Cowley of Spirit Digital and Endemol Peter Cowley Spirit Digital bio

Event Speakers:

Andy Shaw from Tectonic: Tectonic Interactive bio

Simon Miller from Beamly: Beamly bio

Jason George from Telescope: Telescope Bio

More speakers will be announced shortly.

More information and tickets for this networking evening are available on our Eventbrite page here: https://eventbrite.co.uk/event/16518709906/

AIME’s successful Knowledge & Networking (K&N) Seminars are focused and open forums that are popular with our attendees. The seminars examine topical key issues, emerging trends and business development within the interactive media and entertainment sectors.

The 90 minute mediated presentations with our evening speakers, open discussion and Q&A session format is designed to promote engaging debate about key industry trends and issues within an intimate and relaxed environment.

After the seminar, delegates and speakers move into a more informal networking setting to engage socially and continue the discussions over a drink. This proven format consistently fosters open debate and stimulates valuable business connections.

There are 3 different type of tickets available for Members and Non Members.

Telemedia Magazine readers, PACT members and guests of AIME members can claim their 25% discount off Non Member tickets by entering their promo code on the checkout screen. Contact us/Telemedia/PACT to get your discount code. This discount is only available for non member tickets.

If you are an AIME Sponsor member,  remember you are entitled to two free tickets per company for this event!

 Want to get more involved? Event Sponsorship opportunities are available.

You can download our Sponsor information pack here: FoIB KN Sponsor pack June15

 We would like to thank our event supporters:

Telemedia new 2015 logo

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Changes to PhonepayPlus Code of Practice and statement following consultation on the 13th edition of the Code

PhonepayPlus have issued changes to the 13th Code. For full details of the changes please read these on the PPP site on the link below:



AIME will be issuing an email directly to Members regarding the 13th Code later today.

ITV partners with Spoke as Text Santa increases Charity donations

Customer engagement specialist Spoke provided automated donation processing for ITV’s recent Text Santa campaign to allow viewers to pledge donations of differing amounts via the 03 number which was promoted as part of the Text Santa appeal.  The number featured on a range of ITV programmes in December, as well as the actual event night of Text Santa 2014. Across all the donation platforms, over £6.3 million was raised for Text Santa 2014’s six UK-based charities.

Spoke has worked on many high profile charity appeals in the past, and following recent platform improvements saw the Text Santa campaign reach an all-time high for effective calls to date for this type of activity. Darren Worrell, Head of Technical Services Director at Spoke commented, “We were delighted with the outcome of this campaign. During 2014 we made a significant investment in our platform and it was great that we saw such high effective call rates, as this had a direct impact on the money raised for Text Santa”.

Spoke’s PCI solution provides charities with a secure facility to take donations at all times of day, as illustrated during Philip Schofield’s unique 24-hour presenting challenge, where calls were received and donations processed through the night.

Fiona Robertson, ITV’s Head of Charity Projects, commented “Our key objective with Text Santa is to maximise donations for our six chosen charities.  Having robust, efficient, cost effective platforms for processing donations is at the centre of our requirements and we welcome Spoke’s excellent contribution to our most successful Text Santa campaign to date.”

Damon Russell, Chief Executive at Spoke, added “We’re very proud to be part of ITV’s successful 2014 Text Santa campaign which allowed us to illustrate our ability to provide both technology platforms and management services for automated donation processing”.




About Spoke

Spoke (www.spoke-interactive.com) are consumer engagement experts, specialising in mobile and interactive solutions for brands, agencies, media owners and charities. Spoke provide everything from strategy to implementation, management and analysis for a broad range of interactive and mobile services, Social TV and donation and payment solutions. Clients include BBC, Channel 5, UKTV, STV, Time Inc. News International and many others.

About Text Santa

Text Santa is ITV’s annual charity fundraiser appeal, raising money and awareness for six UK based charities each year. The selected charities for the 2014 appeal were Alzheimer’s Society, Guide Dogs, Marie Curie Cancer Care, Teenage Cancer Trust, Together for Short Lives and WellChild. 100% of donations made by ITV viewers are evenly distributed to the chosen charities, and over £21 million has been raised in the last four years.

2015 AIME Board announced

AIME welcomes Ibs Ali of Open Market, Alan Partington of Telecom 2 and Alex Haffner of Dentons to the Board

The Association for Interactive Media and Entertainment –AIME is pleased to announce the addition of three new members, Alan Partington, Ibs Ali and Alex Haffner to its Board of Directors.

AIMEs Board directs and oversees the operation of the Association as well as playing an active role in managing working groups and providing feedback regarding the industry sectors that AIME represents. AIME attempts to ensure that the board represents every vertical market that comprises membership.

Alan Partington from Telecom2 (www.telecom2.net) is a welcome addition to the Board to ensure that AIMEs focus on fixed line services remains strong as the industry enters its most significant transitional period with the introduction of split charging for consumers for calls to non-geographic service number ranges such as 09, 08 and 118. Alan replaces BT stalwart Graham Pottie and was uncontested.

Ibs Ali from Open Market (www.openmarket.com) is the Head of Account Management with responsibility for the commercial and operational delivery of mobile messaging and mobile payments solutions across OpenMarket’s client base. The client base includes AIMEs membership in Charity and Broadcast. Ibs previous experience includes News International, MINICK and Net Mobile and is an active participant in AIMEs working groups.

Alex Haffner from Dentons  (www.dentons.com ) is a Senior Associate at Dentons and has been opted on to the AIME Board to bring in his experience in the Regulatory and Competition Law fields. Alex will also be beneficial for the AIME board for his ability to assist with broader Board level discussions around the evolution of financially regulated micropayment services such as eMoney and Payment Services. Alex brings with him broad experience in the areas that AIME operates and his expertise in competition law relates to AIMEs strength in putting competitors together to examine common issues or opportunities

Chairman Edward Boddington stated today “We have a superb board with represented expertise from across the membership covering Broadcast, Mobile, Fixed line, Service Provision and Digital services promotion. These new Board Members, help us to complete the picture, replacing other board members that we have sadly lost due to changing roles. I am very excited to be working with Alex, Ibs and Alan to strengthen AIME as a valuable and important trade association for the interactive media and entertainment industries.

Mobile Life Appoint MCP as Regulatory & Compliance Technology Partner

Mobile Life have today announced the appointment of Monitoring & Compliance Partners (MCP) to act as a Regulatory & Compliance Technology Partner for Mexico effective immediately.

MCP were formed in April 2014 as a result of a joint venture between Etx & Enarpee Services to create a new regulatory services company, offering a suite of products designed to provide peace of mind for the payments industry.

Formed in 1997 by brothers Declan and Brian Pettit, eTX’s core offering is the ‘Touchpoint’ Application Development platform, a hardware/software system that intelligently manages information/events in a real-time environment. This platform comprises proprietary technology which is the result of fifteen years research and development, and which is particularly suited to fast-moving environments. Our products such as Goverifyit, VeriAudits and Veriscanner have all been developed using this platform.
Enarpee Services are the world experts in Regulatory Advice, Due Diligence, Compliance and Product & Service Audits for companies utilising Premium Billed mechanisms in support of their services to Consumers. Run by Neil Penny and Toby Padgham, Enarpee Services are the appointed Regulatory & Compliance partner for the UK’s largest Mobile Network Operator, EE (which also incorporates the T-Mobile & Orange Mobile Network brands) as well as providing direct client support across the EU, Africa, Australia, APAC and now Central America with LatAM support available during 2015.

Commenting on the appointment, Warren Platt the CEO of Mobile Life said “We are delighted to be working with MCP to take us to the next and most exciting stage of our growth and development in the Mexican & Latin American Markets. We have an exciting strategy and see MCP as the ideal partner to assist us in achieving all our commercial objectives.”

Neil Penny & Declan Pettit from MCP issued a joint statement – “We are more than excited to be invited to assist & support Mobile Life in the Mexican market and we’re very confident our experience and expertise will deliver and exceed Mobile Life’s expectations. We’ve admired Mobile Life’s growth ever since they entered the market and to be part of their future growth is incredibly exciting”