aimm speaking at MEF Connects – Digital Transformation

Next week is MEF Connects – Digital Transformation a two day online event July 18th and 19th. As a Trade Association in the same space we are pleased to be able to support this event. We have been invited to speak on 19th July, Day 2 on Regulatory Frameworks at 12pm UK time.

“The increasing growth of mobile payments has provoked a response from regulators. The intersection of financial, telecommunication and technological regulation make this a complex and challenging question. Leaders in the field are ready to share insight and knowledge.”

As our members will know we have spent a lot of time over the last few years working with the Regulators to ensure that the regulatory space our members work in is protected, fair and encourages innovation and growth, especially with the launch of Code 15 this spring.
We will be joined by Mobile Ecosystem ForumThree UKMCP Insight Ltd and Empello

This event is free to attend and you can register for your ticket online. Join the event to get the latest information and news on all things, IoT, Identity and Authentication, Security, Direct Carrier Billing [DCB], OTT Sports, NFTs, Crypto and so much more.

8.1LIVE the best way to do business in Barcelona

Telemedia 8.1Live at Barcelona 2022


The 8.1LIVE event brings together attendees in 24/7, high-level business networking events located in the finest venues in Barcelona. 8.1LIVE guarantees maximum return from time spent in the city by providing the perfect environment to do business with the leading players in VAS, content, marketing, messaging, payments & traffic trading.

  • Meet Market – table top expo
  • Working lunches
  • Evening buffet & cocktails
  • VIP access to partner events
  • Advanced online networking tool
  • Covid-safe ticket allocation

Passes, tabletops & sponsorships included with 8.1 subscriptions
Entry to most events will also be available to free subscribers.
In all cases pre-registration is required.


  • Free Telemedia 8.1 Subscribers can apply for an 8.1LIVE event pass.
    However, if you’d like to attend the one of our lunch events – a supplement will need to be paid in advance.
  • Premium Telemedia 8.1 Subscribers AND Exhibitors can apply for an “all-inclusive” 8.1LIVE event pass with no additional supplement to pay.

BOOK your Event Pass

Barcelona calling! MWC22 is nearly here!

#MWC22 will focus on the technologies enabling our connected industries

While the past two years have been incredibly testing, they have also highlighted what can be achieved when we work together and make the most of the technology more than 5 billion of us now have in our hands.

MWC Barcelona’s 2022 theme – Connectivity Unleashed – conveys this message perfectly: whether you’ve video-called loved ones, used a telemedicine app, or received money via a mobile app, connectivity has felt more precious than ever.

In this context, GSMA Mobile for Development is thrilled to gather partners – from mobile operators and donors to start-ups and governments – to review the progress made and identify what we need to do collectively to ensure mobile and digital technology delivers on its promise in terms of bridging the gaps in digital and financial inclusion, tackling climate change, or helping people live healthy, happy, and prosperous lives.

Remember that aimm members can claim their 15% discount by using code: DIS15NCG3A.

Book your passes today!


MWC22 Barcelona: Reconnecting an Industry and Community


The new year brings renewed focus and energy, and as members of the MWC Barcelona community know, it is also when preparation moves into high gear. In eight weeks, we will open the doors of Fira Gran Via to the global mobile ecosystem and, I can’t wait to welcome everyone.

This new year also begins with more news related to the pandemic. Global circumstance continues to evolve and, one thing is becoming apparent, we will be dealing with the effects of Covid-19 for years to come. In times like these, responsible leadership is more critical than ever.

This type of leadership inspires innovation and the kind of investment that moves our industry, society and, economy forward while keeping our community safe. Considering this and the fact that present circumstances have made connectivity profoundly critical, the GSMA would only consider a change to our plans under the direction of the Spanish authorities.

In 2021 we organised and hosted three MWC events in Shanghai, Los Angeles, and Barcelona. Each event took place in a unique context but, our strategy was consistent. Firstly, to work in close partnership with relevant authorities to ensure the event could go ahead safely for staff, workers, exhibitors, visitors, suppliers, partners, and the local community; secondly, to provide up-to-the-minute information. This experience combined with advances by health experts, scientists and, governments give us confidence that we can convene safely again in 2022. MWC health & safety measures are on our Committed Community page here.

We expect over 1,500 exhibitors in February, with attendees registered from 150 countries. You will meet decision-makers, hear from thought leaders and, close deals. Policymakers will meet through our prestigious Ministerial Programme, and all are encouraged to experience the 4YFN start-up conference and brand new for 2022, Industry City. Over the four days, you will see the vibrancy, reach, and diversity that puts MWC at the forefront of the kind of innovation that addresses critical challenges across society. This is Connectivity Unleashed and potential is everywhere.

A lot has changed in the past two years but our resolve to reconvene the industry is unwavering, and I encourage every member of this community to support one another. My personal thanks to all the business leaders who are right now planning their attendance.

Of course, none of this is possible without the continued support and partnership of Spain, Catalonia, Barcelona, FIRA and the Host City Parties. Barcelona is truly the home of MWC, and its gravitational pull is strong. MWC will always be available online, but I hope to see you in Barcelona.


John Hoffman


Largest Ever Survey of Digital Subscriptions – 78% Don’t Want Fixed-Term Subscriptions

90% of consumers state the ending of a subscription to a service should be entirely their decision.

5th August 2021: Research of 1,000 consumers, commissioned by aimm in June 2021, observed that 93% described the process of signing up to a subscription to be clear and transparent. Just 1.5% of consumers found themselves subscribed to a service that they didn’t want. Unsurprisingly then, 90% of consumers felt that they alone should be responsible for choosing when to end their subscription, and 78% don’t want to sign up for a fixed term.

The research found that when it comes to digital subscriptions, regulation should guide consumer behaviour, but not be an imposition.

The current regulations already require robust consent, so any new regulations that impose stricter criteria will automatically discriminate against subscribers who are passively happy. The natural suspicion of consumers to click on links to renew a subscription means that services, including charity fundraising, will suffer, should this become a requirement.

The recommendation from the research, which asked about consumers’ preferences regarding reminder messages and length of subscriptions, is that for monthly subscription services a reminder message should be sent every month for the first 3 months, then once a quarter following that, with an additional service summary sent annually.

Joanna Cox, General Manager at aimm said “We wanted to ask consumers what they wanted when it came to digital subscriptions. The results of the research overwhelming show that the current regulations provide enough security for consumers and if anything they’d like to be contacted even less than they currently are.”

Over 97% of consumers felt that an annual service summary, that was for information only and did not need to be acted on, would be beneficial. Consumers now think of digital subscriptions as long term and not in 12-monthly timeframes. This is backed up by the fact that 75% have subscribed to a service or donation for over a year.

“We want to make sure that consumers are protected and feel safe using mobile subscriptions to sign up to services or donate to charity,” said Neil Johnson, Chairman at aimm. “However, we also want to make sure that we don’t create regulations that are too stringent, that actively dissuade consumers from signing up to quality subscription services, or mean that they are inadvertently cancelled. Too much unnecessary regulation risks damaging the consumer experience and the subscription business model; a model which creates a convenient way for users to pay for services they enjoy.”


Details about the research

Research was commissioned via Mobile Squared during June 2021. This research asked a panel of 1,000 unbiased people about their experiences, with the expectation that this would provide a meaningful insight into the world of those with a passive happiness with the service they receive. The panel was evenly split by age group, gender and location, to ensure a fair cross-representation of society.

Whilst recognising there have been challenges with phone-paid subscriptions in the past, these have now largely been resolved. This research addressed the experiences of those with a passive happiness with their subscription; the silent majority of people now using phone-paid subscriptions without concern.