Charity Text Donation Seminar a SuccessAIME and PhonepayPlus jointly ran a free one day Charity Text Donation Seminar in London on Friday 19th February. This was well attended by many small charities who came to learn more about how to use text donations to improve their fundraising, make sure that their marketing campaigns are compliant, learn the importance of increasing donations by Gift Aid and to ensure the audit standards are good. As well as regulatory updates from PhonepayPlus, there were highly informative presentations from Telefonica, OpenMarket, Instagiv, Cymba, Vir2, Open Fundraising, Fonix and BBC Children in Need. With positive feedback from the attendees it has been suggested that this event is run on an annual basis to ensure the spread of the successful intelligence sharing. A link to the presentations for the day is here. You can also read about the event on PhonepayPlus’ blog here. Feedback from the day: I attend the Charity Seminar last week and I just wanted to say thank you for such a well-organised, informative day. It was really useful and I hope there will be a similar seminar next year! Samaritans Thank you for organising Friday. It felt like a good session, let’s do it again soon. Open Fundraising Great event. Informative, relevant and enjoyable. Can’t ask for more! OpenMarket Well done on organising such a great day. RSM2000 This event was so informative and useful, and should definitely be an annual event! Parkinsons UK |
1st October Power50 Conference – Cobham Surrey
As the senior member of your organisation, you are invited to join cohorts from other interactive media organisations for a day of informative presentations intensive workshop discussions, deep market insights and forward planning into the development and future of the UK Interactive Entertainment and Media Industry business.
This conference is dedicated to providing the intelligence to your organisation about the likely effects of the competing environments on your business growth, how opportunities can be created from changes to consumer behaviour particularly around digital products, opportunities from changes to European and UK regulations and how to manage and plan for these opportunities. The conference will then discuss and plan how to shape the future and plan the ideal industry roadmap to maximise on new opportunities.
Each of the sessions contains either presentations from professional industry experts in Legal, Business Development, Research, Emerging Payments, Digital Publishing and Advertising industries or are facilitated by professionals.
Speakers and their Presentations:
Dave Stephens from Vodafone Sponsor and Keynote Speaker
Nick Lane from Mobile Squared Driving the PRS Market Forward
Anuj Khanna from Peak State Consulting Statistical overview of the Digital Payments Market
Tony Craddock from Emerging Payments Association The Future of Payments
Steve Ricketts from ATAO Emerging Technologies for Business
John Pinchbeck from Ticketing Consultancy Live Entertainment Impulse Purchasing
Nicholas Ralph from Dentons e-Commerce under PSD2
Roy Vella from Vella Ventures Digital Wave, Everything has Changed
With an additional digital ticketing speaker to be confirmed by the 25th September this is a line up of speakers you would expect to see at a large international conference at a fraction of the price.
To learn more about our confirmed speakers and what they will be addressing the audience on please read the speaker bios: Power50 Speaker bios
With the line up of speakers now finalised the information pack is below. It contains the agenda for the day as well as your booking form for you to reserve your place.
Bookings for this conference MUST close THIS weeks so don’t miss out! Simply complete the Reservation form below and send it back to to book your place.
AIME Power50 Agenda & speakers Info pack
Booking Reservation Form
Join these companies already signed up to attend:
BBC, Boungiorno, Cellcast TV, Empello, Fonix, Global Radio, IMImobile, ImpulsePay, Mad4Mobile, mGage, Mobile Commerce Ltd, Monitoring Compliance Partners, Oxygen8, Safari Mobile, Studio66 TV, Square One, sb7,WMC Global, Vodafone, Zamano and 08000MumDad
This conference is sponsored by Vodafone 
9th June – mPayments Summit & AIME Industry Awards Evening – London
9th June, America Square Conference Centre, London
Join mobile operators and payment service providers as they outline how direct operator billing can work as a viable micropayment mechanism for interactive services, digital content, ticketing and physical goods across a wide range of
vertical sectors.
The event brings together mobile networks and a wide variety of payment service providers to outline how direct operator (mobile) billing can work as a viable micropayment mechanism for interactive services, digital content, ticketing and physical goods across a wide range of vertical sectors including retail.
Representatives will learn how Payforit, PSMS, drop charge, PRS and other “charge to mobile” solutions can offer their customers convenient, secure and immediate payment tools – wherever and whenever they want them.
- BBC • ITV • Virgin Trains • EE • Three • O2 • DIMOCO • ImpulsePay• Oxygen8 • OpenMarket •IMImobile • mGage • Fonix • AIME • PhonepayPlus • Ofcom • FSA
MPAYMENTS EVENT INFORMATION: mPayments poster and: MPS’15 – Overview (Delegate)
AIME will be speaking throughout the day on important issues such as the 13th Code and Special Conditions.
The mPayments Summit will be followed by the AIME Industry Awards Evening.
The AIME Industry Awards categories are:
Most Innovative Mobile Payment Service
Most Innovative Mobile Network Opportunity
Most Innovative use of Technology
Most Progressive Customer Service Strategy (implemented change)
Outstanding Contribution to Industry
We would like to thank our award Sponsors for their support of this event, and helping ensure that the Industry is recognised for the work it does.
Our Award Sponsors are:
BBC Children in Need break text donation record with Harvest Media UK and Fonix
Fonix’s mobile billing and campaign management platforms provided audiences with the opportunity to donate and interact via mobile. The 2014 campaign delivered a record ‘on the night total’ for BBC Children in Need, with over £5m generated over text.
“We are delighted with the record breaking results” said Susan Johnston, Director of Operations and Finance, BBC Children in Need. “We had a very collaborative relationship with Harvest and Fonix who embraced our desire to innovate and optimize both donation levels and gift aid conversion. Working collaboratively with suppliers in this fragmented mobile ecosystem is essential”
Data-driven CRM and mobile marketing mechanics allowed BBC Children in Need to provide consumers with a tailored experience, resulting in over a third of users declaring their eligibility for Gift Aid.
Rob Weisz, CEO of Fonix Mobile commented, “The 2014 Children in Need campaign was a huge success which we were delighted to be a part of. We understand the importance of engaging donation mechanics with high conversion of gift aid declarations, something we continue to optimize. We worked on solutions that focused on specific objectives and were thrilled with the results achieved”.
Edward Boddington, CEO of Harvest added, “ Since we started working with BBC Children in Need in 2011, the charity has always strived to innovate. Using mobile text short codes for charity telethons is a high growth area as it allows charities to keep 100% of whatever the donor texts, in this case £5 and £10 price points.”
Fonix Mobile is the UK’s leading mobile messaging, mobile payments and interactive services business. For more information, please email
Harvest Media is the UK’s leading provider of participation media services and is the preferred partner for many large media companies in the industry. For more information, please visit
The BBC Children in Need Appeal is a charity registered in England and Wales (802052) and Scotland (SC039557) whose aim is to make a positive change to the lives of disadvantaged children and young people across the UK. For further information about BBC Children in Need, please visit
IMImobile launches ‘Tweet to Donate’ for the Post Office
IMImobile continues to deliver innovation on Twitter, launching ‘Tweet to Donate’ for the Post Office
The Post Office became the first UK organisation to allow Twitter users to donate to the BBC Children in Need charity campaign ‘Be a Hero’.
London, United Kingdom, 17th November 2014 – IMImobile, a global technology company providing software and services which help businesses capitalise on the growth in mobile communications, today announced its development of ‘Tweet to Donate’, an innovative new service used by the Post Office. The service has made the Post Office the first UK organisation to enable and process donations via Twitter as part of being a fundraising partner to the BBC’s Children in Need charity campaign, ‘Be A Hero’.
To read the full press release about IMImobile working in partnership with the Post Office click here: PR – IMImobile – Tweet to Donate – Post Office – 17-11-2014