Ofcom publishes best and worst broadband and phone service quality data

Ofcom today publishes research revealing which broadband and phone companies are falling short in serving their customers, and those who are setting a strong standard for satisfaction.

Our comprehensive survey of telecoms customer service shows how each major provider performs on measures including customer satisfaction, complaints and call waiting times. It also shows how likely customers are to recommend their provider to a friend.

The report provides vital insights into what level of service phone and broadband users can expect, helping them shop around for a provider that meets their needs.

A news release is available summarising the findings.

AIME supports PhonepayPlus Statement on the 14th Code of Practice

PhonepayPlus today announced their 14th Code of Practice, accompanied by a statement and draft procedures. In AIME’s response to the consultation AIME identified, on behalf of membership, over 30 areas of concern or observations on the proposed operation of the Investigations and Sanctions part (part 4) of the 14th Code of Practice.


A majority of AIME input has been accepted and has resulted in either changes to the Code or the supporting procedures. The changes that were not accepted are accompanied by responses from PhonepayPlus that will serve as reference material for any future review of processes.


We are confident that PhonepayPlus has set out to ensure a fair and pragmatic process exists and our observations were mainly in the event that the process went wrong. AIME expects PhonepayPlus  to have at its disposal a robust investigation and sanction procedure that targets the individuals and companies that seek to cause damage to consumers at the expense of the well behaved providers that make up AIME’s membership.


Our concerns for members who fund the operation of PhonepayPlus are that the process is economical, legally sound and fair.


In the unlikely event that a member will have a case raised against them, that there is an opportunity for an early settlement akin to the “on the spot” fine for a minor traffic offence.


If the process has gone wrong for a provider, we want to ensure that there is an appeals process to allow for economical review of a case without the need for a judicial review. AIME has successfully won this change amongst others.


We expect the 14th Code to go live in July 2016 after Ofcom and EU consultation. The full PhonepayPlus statement can be read here:


9th June – mPayments Summit & AIME Industry Awards Evening – London


9th June, America Square Conference Centre, London


Join mobile operators and payment service providers as they outline how direct operator billing can work as a viable micropayment mechanism for interactive services, digital content, ticketing and physical goods across a wide range of
vertical sectors.

The event brings together mobile networks and a wide variety of payment service providers to outline how direct operator (mobile) billing can work as a viable micropayment mechanism for interactive services, digital content, ticketing and physical goods across a wide range of vertical sectors including retail.


Representatives will learn how Payforit, PSMS, drop charge, PRS and other “charge to mobile” solutions can offer their customers convenient, secure and immediate payment tools – wherever and whenever they want them.



  • BBC • ITV • Virgin Trains  • EE • Three • O2 • DIMOCO • ImpulsePay• Oxygen8 • OpenMarket •IMImobile • mGage • Fonix • AIME • PhonepayPlus • Ofcom • FSA

MPAYMENTS EVENT INFORMATIONmPayments poster and: MPS’15 – Overview (Delegate)


 AIME will be speaking throughout the day on important issues such as the 13th Code and Special Conditions.

The mPayments Summit will be followed by the AIME Industry Awards Evening. 




The AIME Industry Awards categories are:

  • Most Innovative Mobile Payment Service

  • Most Innovative Mobile Network Opportunity

  • Most Innovative use of Technology

  • Most Progressive Customer Service Strategy (implemented change)

  • Outstanding Contribution to Industry

We would like to thank our award Sponsors for their support of this event, and helping ensure that the Industry is recognised for the work it does.

Our Award Sponsors are:

vodafone lrg (2)