Confusion and Disparity on UK Content Guidelines

“There is a vast disparity in the regulation of content and the application of age restrictions in the UK, and it poses number of problems. It would be welcomed were there to be a review of current legislation and consider revising the Digital Economy Act.”

The article by Neil Penny Director of Enarpee raises interesting points and the can be read in full: Confusion and Disparity on UK Content Guidelines Enarpee 201118

Global wins Most Effective Charity Campaign

Congratulations to Global’s Make Some Noise, the official charity partner of Global, The Media & Entertainment Company, for winning a 2018 Effective Mobile Marketing Award (EMMA) for use of their ‘Text to Win & Donate’ mechanic.

The judges awarded Global’s entry ‘Most Effective Charity Campaign/Solution’ due to the creative way of running charity-based competitions on radio, together with high conversion rates and a +20% increase on the amount donated with each engagement.

To find out more, visit:


Liz Ayto Recognised as Top 100 BAME Leader in Tech

Liz Ayto, Head of Finance of Fonix, has today been announced as one of the top 100 most influential Black, Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) leaders in the UK tech sector. The list, produced by board appointments firm Inclusive Boards, will be released today at the House of Commons as part of the official launch of the Inclusive Tech Alliance.

The Alliance has been set up in response to new research by Inclusive Boards that will show the sector is significantly lagging behind others on diversity within senior leadership. The founder of the Inclusive Tech Alliance (ITA), Samuel Kasumu, who is also a member of the Prime Minister’s Race Disparity Advisory Board said:

Technology is increasingly playing an important role in driving our economy and there is a great need to ensure that everyone can fully participate in the jobs and opportunities technology brings. Liz Ayto and others featured in this list today are role models that will inspire the next generation, and hopefully help to improve diversity within the sector.”

Liz’s listing is testament to the fantastic work that she does for Fonix, Grabyo Limited and Grabyo Inc. In particular, her nomination focused upon her role within senior management teams and her invaluable experience and insight when it comes to shaping strategy. Liz also manages other employees in the Fonix and Grabyo finance teams, and has shown impressive leadership and dedication to their personal development.

Liz commented:

“It’s a privilege to be recognised for the work that I do for Fonix and Grabyo, and it’s also brilliant to be able to represent BAME leaders in tech. Inclusive Boards does such important work to promote diversity in the workplace, and this is can only benefit the technology sector when it comes to attracting the best leaders and creating the fairest working environments.”

Those featured in the top 100 include senior leaders from Facebook, LinkedIn, IBM, Twitter and financial services firm EY. Judges include Tim Sawyer CBE (COO, Innovate UK), Sandra Kerr OBE (Race Equality Director, Business in the Community), and Catherine Muirden (Director of HR, Co-Op Foods).

Brexit – Why Free Trade in Services Should Not Be Feared

Enarpee have written an engaging article on what opportunities could be available for the services industry after Brexit;

The UK could be headed towards a more integrated, EU-centric trade deal.

It’s the safe bet to some, but to those who see the bigger picture, a potentially huge loss for the services industry here in the UK, of which we form a very small part. Free trade agreements (FTAs) could open up huge new markets and economic potential for the UK and aren’t be something to be feared, and here’s why:” Brexit and the Services industry October 2018 Enarpee

Fonix listed in FT Future 100 UK as recognition for its disruptive mobile technology

Fonix has announced today that it has been listed in the FT  Future 100, a compilation of British companies making an impact either on society or their industry.

This is the first year that the FT Future 100 has run and to make it on to the list, companies had to excel in one of four categories: boosting diversity, consistent growth, disruption and those seeking to make a positive impact via their environmental, social and governance policies (ESG policies).

Fonix received recognition for its dedication to disruption. In this category, judges took into account measures such as research and development spending as a proportion of revenue, as well as the company’s own pitch as a disrupter. Fonix also received recognition for its consistent revenue growth, which is based upon its two consecutive listings in the FT 1000.

CEO of Fonix, Rob Weisz commented “We’re absolutely thrilled to have been listed in the FT Future 100, as we know what a prestigious listing this is. Fonix is at the heart of driving the mobile payments space in the UK – to be recognised for our disruptive technology really rubber stamps this!

The team have worked incredibly hard to get us to where we are today and being listed in the FT Future 100 is testament to this effort. They are all so dedicated to the Fonix journey and their passion for disruptive tech is what drives us forward. This is such an exciting time for Fonix and we can’t wait to see what happens next!”

You can view the full FT Future 100 UK list here.