9th September 2015 – Late Summer Networking Event

Late Summer Party

It is that time when you get to make the most of the late summer evening’s and relax after work with some food and drink while chatting and networking with other people from the mobile and interactive media industries. This popular event is back in Kings Cross again this year for another roof top evening.

Come and join us for a selection of delicious food and drink while enjoying views over London before getting down to a serious spot of networking and catching up with business colleagues in a relaxed and friendly environment.

Tickets are £30.00 + VAT pp 

Ticket price includes entry ticket into the event, an evening of networking with Industry professionals, food and 2 drinksTickets can be ordered by emailing andrea@aimm.co 

Food for the evening will be: AIME Late Summer Networking Evening menu

This networking event is open to everyone and is not exclusive to AIME members, and as we often find with these events the more the merrier. If you are looking to extend your network of contacts than this is the place to do it. Last year we had attendees from the large mobile network operators including Vodafone, broadcasters, and service providers from all the different interactive media environments.

If you want to get the best from this networking opportunity than we can offer event sponsorship, that raises your brand awareness and increases engagement during the event. There are several levels of event sponsorship to suit everyone so please download our Sponsorship pack here for more information. AIME Event Sponsor Pack – Late Summer Networking Event 2015

Sponsorship can include an exclusive and personalised invitee list so you can tailor your list to maximise your networking opportunities. This would be the perfect time to invite a new or prospective client or customer to be your guest for the evening; as well as taking advantage of the full branding on the scrolling evening AV presentation. Personalised beer mats are also a way to ensure that your brand is seen by everyone at the event, and is a great way to promote your own event or product launch.

Oxygen8 shares Customer Success Stories


Oxygen8 have recently produced 2 case studies which show two different customer success stories which you may find useful. Both are attached below for reference

The first features Experian: Experian Automate SMS to improve call centre efficiency

The second features Freeads: Mobile,voice and payment services provide competitive edge

1st October – Power50 The Future of Industry Conference – Surrey

power50 conference ad


This one day conference will be a chance for Senior Managers to discuss important issues that are shaping the Industry.

The premium rate industry has shown decline over the past few years with consumers opting for free or other payment methods to enjoy their digital content and services, while the EU, while opening up the opportunity for tickets has clamped down heavily on transaction values and maximum monthly amounts. Apple is making big inroads into mobile payments in the US through a very aggressive land grab.

So how do you, as a senior manager in your organisation shape your future strategy to grow your business? And if the environment is affecting your business, can you shape the environment instead?

This one day Senior Manager conference, based in Cobham, Surrey will give you a chance to discuss the important issues and opportunities that are shaping your business, develop an industry roadmap for development and brainstorm strategies that will help you define your business going forward.

The day will be followed by an evening meal and an opportunity to relax and network with other conference delegates. For delegates who wish to stay overnight, accommodation is available at the venue and is a stones throw away from the Silvermere Golf Course which is an ideal location for client networking the next day.

Topics to be covered:

  • Market and Industry Future Development
  • Where the Payments Services Directive will lead Industry
  • The opportunity for eMoney on mobile
  • Higher rate Voice Services
  • Principle based payment schemes
  • Micropayment Competition
  • The decline of advertising on mobile
  • Interaction inside Social Media
  • Emerging Trends
  • Workshop: Industry Development Roadmap


Download the Conference Info & Pricing pack here: AIME Info Pack – Overview and Pricing


Download the Conference Agenda and reservation form here: Power50 Agenda & booking form

If you want to join us on this day please email: power50@aimm.co







9th June – mPayments Summit & AIME Industry Awards Evening – London


9th June, America Square Conference Centre, London


Join mobile operators and payment service providers as they outline how direct operator billing can work as a viable micropayment mechanism for interactive services, digital content, ticketing and physical goods across a wide range of
vertical sectors.

The event brings together mobile networks and a wide variety of payment service providers to outline how direct operator (mobile) billing can work as a viable micropayment mechanism for interactive services, digital content, ticketing and physical goods across a wide range of vertical sectors including retail.


Representatives will learn how Payforit, PSMS, drop charge, PRS and other “charge to mobile” solutions can offer their customers convenient, secure and immediate payment tools – wherever and whenever they want them.



  • BBC • ITV • Virgin Trains  • EE • Three • O2 • DIMOCO • ImpulsePay• Oxygen8 • OpenMarket •IMImobile • mGage • Fonix • AIME • PhonepayPlus • Ofcom • FSA

MPAYMENTS EVENT INFORMATIONmPayments poster and: MPS’15 – Overview (Delegate)


 AIME will be speaking throughout the day on important issues such as the 13th Code and Special Conditions.

The mPayments Summit will be followed by the AIME Industry Awards Evening. 




The AIME Industry Awards categories are:

  • Most Innovative Mobile Payment Service

  • Most Innovative Mobile Network Opportunity

  • Most Innovative use of Technology

  • Most Progressive Customer Service Strategy (implemented change)

  • Outstanding Contribution to Industry

We would like to thank our award Sponsors for their support of this event, and helping ensure that the Industry is recognised for the work it does.

Our Award Sponsors are:

vodafone lrg (2)

Digital Content Summit – London April ’15

AIME attended the April 2015 Digital Content Summit (http://digitalcontentsummit.co.uk/), a conference organised over two days to look at digital content creation, delivery, optimisation and targeting. The purpose of AIMEs attendance was to gain insight for Members on emerging trends in the Digital Content publishing and monetisation arenas.

The organisers, Lyons Down, publishers of Business Technology, a specialist insert into Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph focussed on speaker and panel sponsorship, so there was a tendency for some of the speakers to push their companies brands and products rather than provide insightful future looking commentary. However,over the two days, a good deal of food for thought was presented from companies who are excelling in producing and promoting digital content to support their market presence with consumers.

The highest trending discussion was about brand positioning mixing with content creation. Large consumer brands, more commonly known for their products or services such as Halfords, Barclays etc. are generating and distributing content to their customers and potential customers, taking examples from the best of the broadcast world and adding the popularity of blogging and vlogging.

This is giving rise to a new term “broducers”. Large parts of the conference was dedicated to how to exploit / join this trend, professionalise the content and optimize the distribution channels.

The question of brand tone of voice was raised several times with content being produced by brands to feed into social media channels contrasting with social media channels being used to contact or comment on the brand.

The consumer expects “human” responses and not the usual “brand approved” style of communication. Examples of companies that had got this wrong (a global airline responding that the “offices are closed”) were given along with companies that got this right, including the very human touch given by O2 in response to the technical issues experienced by consumers in 2012 (for more on this story see http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2012-07/17/o2-outage-social-media-masterclass).

An interesting and very different presentation was given by Dan Fahy of UKTV (who are AIME members) showing how they have spread across free and pay tv platforms with both free channels as well as paid in the Pay TV sector, showing how strength of content (archive as well as fresh) can empower different channels to gain their own identity.

There was little talk about monetisation of digital content apart from the obvious paywall success implemented by the Times. Most of the audience did not need to monetise their content but to get consumers engaged with it. There was some conversation about the traditional advertising model not working for mobile consumers due to screen size. This would indicate that other forms of revenue are needed as mobile access starts to dominate over laptop.

Privacy: This gained an airing with one commentator stating that personal information is actually user generated content and therefore consumers should have rights over its usage and it’s monetisation. Some companies are purchasing data with the intent to create sophisticated profiling metrics to sell on. Although users are not identifiable by name, there are inherent dangers in being able to identify the users through the profile. This has a term “pseudonymisation”



(cartoon by Neil Kerber with his permission http://www.neilkerber.com/)

Finally to wrap up the two days, discussion groups were formed to look at various topics. (I chose “monetisation, mobile and metrics”, for obvious reasons). Discussion was lively on moving advertising revenue to direct charging for mobile consumption, soft and hard paywalls and improving metrics for broadcasters through “one clip, one person” measurements.

Rory Maguire 23rd April 2015