A message from the Chairman of aimm

I hope that everyone is having a great summer both professionally and personally.

As some of you will already know, today sees our new GM, Joanna Cox, start her tenure with AIMM. I’m really pleased that we were able to get someone of her calibre to lead us through the changes we want to make to the way that AIMM operates in the next few months.

First, a few words about Joanna.

Joanna has a wealth of experience in our industry. She has worked in several companies in our sector, heading up client services at both Telecom Express and Spoke Interactive and also with Channel 5, controlling both the commercial partnerships and interactive services divisions. This included management of Big Brother PRS, social media and App voting. This experience of running services means that she has a great understanding of the opportunities and the challenges that our industry faces.

One of the first things that Joanna will be doing from today is to come round to our members and spend some time understanding how AIMM can help you. Whether by phone, in person or through a questionnaire, she will be reaching out to everyone in the AIMM family to understand how we can best serve the industry. We want to help our members find the opportunities in the market as well as navigate the threats it poses. I would ask that you spend the time to give her as much constructive feedback as you can.

This is the first step in our plan to ensure that AIMM is being truly representative of the whole of our membership and will allow us to collect the information we need to structure our activities. We want to ensure that we are being relevant to all of our members and that we are focusing on the issues that really matter and that will make a difference to you.

Our purpose at AIMM is to help our member companies grow their businesses. This means getting all parts of the value chain to recognize the size of the opportunity and creating an environment where services can launch quickly, be operated simply and be regulated fairly. That is what we intend to work towards and Joanna’s role will be integral to that challenge.

I hope you all join me in welcoming her to AIMM and I look forward to a bright future for our industry.

Kind regards

Neil Johnson

Introducing MCP Insight’s bespoke Fraud Detection and Fraud Blocking Solution

MCP Shield provides real-time fraud detection and blocking with an intuitive analytics portal and a simple implementation process. The tool operates by detecting unexpected changes and actions on your service landing or payment page. It determines whether a payment request is legitimate or fraudulent by monitoring the activity of the alleged consumer and by logging whether the consent is bot or human in a transaction assessment.

MCP Shield provides the information you need to decide whether or not to block.

MCP Shield Dashboard

  • Monitors 100+ variables grouped into fraud categories
  • Provides statistics on APK and Browsing fraud on your advertising traffic
  • Provides transactional detail and statistics
  • Real-time transaction assessment results available on request
  • You decide when and what to block

MCP Shield Implementation

  • Fill out a simple form to add your services to the MCP Shield dashboard
  • Add a snippet of code to your landing or payment pages to deploy MCP Shield on your service

To find out more contact MCP Insight.

World Telemedia Invites Entrepreneurs to pitch to investors

The telemedia industry has long been driven by entrepreneurs and has thrived on turning great ideas and technology into money making services – and the World Telemedia Show has always been the showcase for unveiling these developments.

Now in its 29th year, the show is looking to further drive this entrepreneurial spirit by running a series of lunches at the next event in Marbella in October where those with great ideas or businesses that need to take that next step can pitch to Investors.

Focusing on value added services (VAS), buyers, sellers, investors and mentors will all be introduced to each other over a 5-star lunch.  A total of six companies will be given the opportunity to privately pitch their ideas.  Investor pitch proposals should be submitted in writing to Jarvis Todd jarvis@wtevent.co.uk by 21 July 2018

“We believe that the people who attend World Telemedia are the early adopters and adaptors of new technology who are focused on the and look for the practical money making application of technology within the Value Added Services Sector,”  says Jarvis Todd, CEO, World Telemedia Ltd. “By connecting those with great new ideas or existing fledgling businesses with those with the knowledge and business acumen to take their ideas to the next level, World Telemedia is driving VAS both now and into the future.”

World Telemedia looks forward to another successful event in Marbella on 8-10 October.  An enlightening series of seminars and country updates, a deal-making expo hub and the most glamourous business networking around has been planned as the backdrop for serious deal making on-site.  A must attend event since 1989, World Telemedia is focused on Driving Value Added Services and Monetising Content.

World Telemedia Event

World Telemedia is for any business that wishes to engage and commercialize “connected consumers” whilst they use mobile devices and telephones; to interact with value added service and content propositions.

The only European event that showcases how carrier billing and other alternative payment platforms are evolving (in partnership with Service Providers and Aggregators) to create a dynamic “Telemedia” value chain which is typically driven by minutesmessages and traffic.

A key destination for Media & Marketing Groups, SPs, Aggregators, Network Operators, Convergent Technology and Billing Specialists who want seamless micropayment solutions and engagement tools to drive sales and convert customers across a globally expanding range of media, affiliate and advertising networks.   www.wtevent.co.uk


aimm says goodbye to Rory

Changes to the Executive structure at aimm

As announced to aimm members last month, the new aimm Board has decided to change the Executive Team structure to ensure that the diverse needs and the concerns of all of the aimm membership are understood and accurately reflected.

Rory Maguire, after 5 years at the helm of aimm will be stepping back at the end of June to focus on his consultancy business, handing the baton to General Manager Joanna Cox who starts in August.

The aimm Board and the Executive team will be working together to look at the strategy and focus of aimm going forwards, to ensure that all our members continue to feel their voice is heard through their trade association, and aimm continues to support its membership through this period of progression.

We would like to thank Rory for all his hard work during these past years. He has worked tirelessly on important regulatory and business issues which has resulted in improvements and changes across industry, benefiting our members businesses and the wider industry as a whole.

Have you secured your site ready for the Chrome changes in July?

Starting from July Chrome will now mark all websites that do not display https pages as non secure.

From July with the release of Chrome 68 all those sites who are still on http will now display at ‘not secure’ according to Google. You can read more about this from their blog post here: https://security.googleblog.com/2018/02/a-secure-web-is-here-to-stay.html Following on from this Chrome will also begin to phase out the secure green lock icon, favouring to draw attention to those sites that are not secure instead.

Don’t be caught out! It is not too late to get your site secured and get your SSL certificate in place.