MCP Insight now monitoring in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iraq

MCP Insight recently launched Mobile Advertising Compliance Monitoring in 3 new territories across the Middle East. As well as ad monitoring, we are delighted to announce the addition of Fraud Blocking and Service Testing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iraq.

MCP Insight Director Declan Pettit commented: ‘We are pleased to extend our monitoring services and augment our existing MENA coverage in UAE, Kuwait, Egypt and Iran. We intend to continue our ethos of co-operating in a transparent and joined up way with the mobile billing industry to help resolve the increased fraud threat in these territories.’

Change of Executive structure at aimm

As announced to members last month, the new aimm Board has decided to change the executive structure to ensure that the diverse needs and the concerns of all of the aimm membership are understood and accurately reflected.

Rory Maguire, after 5 years at the helm of aimm will be stepping back at the end of June to focus on his consultancy business, handing the baton to General Manager Joanna Cox who starts in August.

Welcome to our new Board




On the 15th February we were pleased to announce our new Board members.

Our new members are:

  • Abi Hillman
  • James MacFarlane
  • Jonny Brown  
  • Kevin Dawson
  • Oliver Cooke

You can learn more about our new Board from their candidate information page HERE.

They join the rest of our existing Board, and you can see all our Board from our page HERE.

We look forward to working with them over the next couple of years.

aimm Team