aimm speaking at MEF Connects – Digital Transformation

Next week is MEF Connects – Digital Transformation a two day online event July 18th and 19th. As a Trade Association in the same space we are pleased to be able to support this event. We have been invited to speak on 19th July, Day 2 on Regulatory Frameworks at 12pm UK time.

“The increasing growth of mobile payments has provoked a response from regulators. The intersection of financial, telecommunication and technological regulation make this a complex and challenging question. Leaders in the field are ready to share insight and knowledge.”

As our members will know we have spent a lot of time over the last few years working with the Regulators to ensure that the regulatory space our members work in is protected, fair and encourages innovation and growth, especially with the launch of Code 15 this spring.
We will be joined by Mobile Ecosystem ForumThree UKMCP Insight Ltd and Empello

This event is free to attend and you can register for your ticket online. Join the event to get the latest information and news on all things, IoT, Identity and Authentication, Security, Direct Carrier Billing [DCB], OTT Sports, NFTs, Crypto and so much more.

Largest Ever Survey of Digital Subscriptions – 78% Don’t Want Fixed-Term Subscriptions

90% of consumers state the ending of a subscription to a service should be entirely their decision.

5th August 2021: Research of 1,000 consumers, commissioned by aimm in June 2021, observed that 93% described the process of signing up to a subscription to be clear and transparent. Just 1.5% of consumers found themselves subscribed to a service that they didn’t want. Unsurprisingly then, 90% of consumers felt that they alone should be responsible for choosing when to end their subscription, and 78% don’t want to sign up for a fixed term.

The research found that when it comes to digital subscriptions, regulation should guide consumer behaviour, but not be an imposition.

The current regulations already require robust consent, so any new regulations that impose stricter criteria will automatically discriminate against subscribers who are passively happy. The natural suspicion of consumers to click on links to renew a subscription means that services, including charity fundraising, will suffer, should this become a requirement.

The recommendation from the research, which asked about consumers’ preferences regarding reminder messages and length of subscriptions, is that for monthly subscription services a reminder message should be sent every month for the first 3 months, then once a quarter following that, with an additional service summary sent annually.

Joanna Cox, General Manager at aimm said “We wanted to ask consumers what they wanted when it came to digital subscriptions. The results of the research overwhelming show that the current regulations provide enough security for consumers and if anything they’d like to be contacted even less than they currently are.”

Over 97% of consumers felt that an annual service summary, that was for information only and did not need to be acted on, would be beneficial. Consumers now think of digital subscriptions as long term and not in 12-monthly timeframes. This is backed up by the fact that 75% have subscribed to a service or donation for over a year.

“We want to make sure that consumers are protected and feel safe using mobile subscriptions to sign up to services or donate to charity,” said Neil Johnson, Chairman at aimm. “However, we also want to make sure that we don’t create regulations that are too stringent, that actively dissuade consumers from signing up to quality subscription services, or mean that they are inadvertently cancelled. Too much unnecessary regulation risks damaging the consumer experience and the subscription business model; a model which creates a convenient way for users to pay for services they enjoy.”


Details about the research

Research was commissioned via Mobile Squared during June 2021. This research asked a panel of 1,000 unbiased people about their experiences, with the expectation that this would provide a meaningful insight into the world of those with a passive happiness with the service they receive. The panel was evenly split by age group, gender and location, to ensure a fair cross-representation of society.

Whilst recognising there have been challenges with phone-paid subscriptions in the past, these have now largely been resolved. This research addressed the experiences of those with a passive happiness with their subscription; the silent majority of people now using phone-paid subscriptions without concern.

Announcing our 2020 Board

We are pleased to welcome our new aimm Board!

Following the call for nominations during the month of February we received 5 nominations for the vacancies which had 6 spaces available. As such there will be no necessity to go to a vote.

We are pleased to announce that our nominated members are duly elected to the Board. We would ask that you join us in congratulating them.

The aimm Board now comprises of :


Abi Hillman – ITV

Jonny Brown – sb7

Kevin Dawson – DMB

Nick Millward – mGage

Oliver Cooke – IMImobile

Learn more about our 2020 candidates.

They will be joining our existing Board:

Neil Johnson  – aimm Chair

Toby Padgham – aimm Executive Director

Joanna Cox – aimm General Manager

Rob Weisz – Fonix (Vice Chair)

Eric Feltin – Safari Mobile (Vice Chair)

Alan Partington – Telecom2

Caroline Press – Three

Chris Newell – Donr

Claire Taylor – Telefonica

Joel Stern – Global (co-opt)

Kerry Howard – BBC Children in Need (co-opt)

Alex Haffner – Fladgate LLP (co-opt)

Our new Board members will officially start their roles on the 1st April and will be at our next Board meeting, and we look forward to working with them.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank James Macfarlane at PM Connect for all his hard work and support during his time on the Board, and who has now stepped down due to other commitments.

Kind regards

aimm Executive Team

aimm says goodbye to Rory

Changes to the Executive structure at aimm

As announced to aimm members last month, the new aimm Board has decided to change the Executive Team structure to ensure that the diverse needs and the concerns of all of the aimm membership are understood and accurately reflected.

Rory Maguire, after 5 years at the helm of aimm will be stepping back at the end of June to focus on his consultancy business, handing the baton to General Manager Joanna Cox who starts in August.

The aimm Board and the Executive team will be working together to look at the strategy and focus of aimm going forwards, to ensure that all our members continue to feel their voice is heard through their trade association, and aimm continues to support its membership through this period of progression.

We would like to thank Rory for all his hard work during these past years. He has worked tirelessly on important regulatory and business issues which has resulted in improvements and changes across industry, benefiting our members businesses and the wider industry as a whole.