Fonix awarded Vodafone B2B Platinum Partner Status


Fonix recently announced that it has been awarded Vodafone Platinum Partner status. Fonix is one of only 6 providers to be awarded Platinum Partner status – the highest level within Vodafone’s partner accreditation scheme. To read more about their award please see the attached press release. Press release – Fonix awarded Vodafone B2B Platinum Partner Status April 16

Take a look at our current Board candidates

We now have several members who have stepped forward for a position on the AIME Board.

You can see their bios and manifesto’s by clicking the attached link. 2016 Candidates bio doc

Voting for the candidates will go live on the 29th February at which point we will then call for members to cast their votes using the link we will provide. You can then cast your vote until the 13th March.

There is still time to put your candidacy forward for consideration if this is of interest to you but nominations will close on the 29th February. Please take the time to read the Board Responsibilities document before submitting your candidacy.


RSM 2000 acquires text donation business from Vir2

RSM2000 logo



At a time when charities are worried about reputational risk from their suppliers, the purchase is the first time that a charity text donation provider has been bought by a fully regulated & compliant payment service provider. RSM 2000 can now provide a full range of payment solutions including text donation to charities under one roof and tick all the boxes for compliance and expertise at the same time.

For the full press release please read here: RSM 2000 acquires text donation and SMS marketing business from Vir2 final

Board Elections – Nomination for candidates now open

During February we welcome nominations/candidates for the upcoming vacancies on the AIME Board. Each Board member serves a term of two years each before coming up for election. If you wish to apply we ask that they are accompanied by a Bio, Manifesto and a photograph sent to

If you would like to submit your candidacy please ensure that you take the time to read the document about Board Responsibilities.

On 28th February, we will close nominations and ask Members to vote over the next two weeks. Election results will be announced on 17th March.

Members will be asked in March to vote for their favourites of all the nominees. Sponsor members get three votes, Executive Members get two votes and Associate Members get one vote.

BBC Children in Need breaks all time text-to-donate record with Fonix

Mobile payments and messaging specialists Fonix’s payments platform processed more than £6.6 million in text donations for last year’s BBC Children in Need fundraiser.

Donations were gathered in combination with on-screen promotion in £5 and £10 amounts, across a number of BBC flagship shows and specially created fundraising campaigns including; The One Show – Rick Shaw Challenge, Countryfile – Ramble, One Big Night and the main campaign show itself which aired on the BBC on the 13th November.

This is the second year in a row that Fonix has provided the text donation mechanic for BBC Children in Need, surpassing the 2014 total and contributing to the record breaking £37 million raised (so far) in 2015.

Rob Weisz, CEO at Fonix says: “For Fonix, BBC Children in Need is one of the highlights of our working calendar.  Supporting such an amazing charity event with our platforms and processes is so rewarding and demonstrates the importance of text to donate mechanics in providing consumers with the means to make a simple, spontaneous donation.”

Karen Bass, Director of Operations and Finance, CIN adds: “The 2015 campaign has been a record breaker for us which we’re immensely proud of. Text to donate forms a fundamentally important part of our payment option mix.  We thank key partners like Fonix, Harvest Media Group and the Mobile Operators for their support in enabling us to raise such a fantastic amount.