Sponsor Spotlight: OpenMarket

Open Market Logo

Enterprises in all industries and across all geographies recognise that mobile communications are dramatically altering how we engage with each other. Mobile is influencing which brands we buy, changing the companies we work for, and further driving the requirement for personalised, relevant customer and employee engagement.


Mobile Engagement Platform

OpenMarket provides a secure and reliable platform for major enterprises to engage their key audiences with a service commitment to back it up. Their market experience and trusted relationships with mobile operators across the globe enable faster time to market, and ongoing delivery and support for your mobile initiatives. In addition, the OpenMarket payments platform offers a low-friction, convenient, safe and dependable way for your customers to pay. Furthermore, the company works closely with AIME and Phonepayplus to ensure that all its payments customers respect the Phonepayplus Code of Practice.


Enterprises choose OpenMarket as their mobile partner for a number of reasons: domain expertise, service flexibility, demonstrated network performance and reliability, global scale and corporate maturity.


Domain Expertise: OpenMarket resolves the complexities and fragmentation of the mobile ecosystem by providing expertise in mobile engagement solutions, regulatory compliance and industry best practices.

•          15 years of industry experience powering thousands of mobile campaigns

•          Award-winning, live 24/7 technical support services, spanning all time zones


Service Flexibility: OpenMarket’s portfolio of solutions, flexible Mobile Engagement Platform and professional services allow enterprises to support multiple use cases for customers and employees.

•          APIs and Service Editor support customisation across use cases and enable developers and business users to create and manage mobile programs.

•          Support for smart and interactive messaging across multiple mobile channels, including SMS, MMS, push notifications, payments, email and voice, enabling you to meet business needs

•          The platform’s workflow engine manages the heavy lifting, including the service flow logic, the message channels used, inputs from internal and external sources, and message personalisation.


Demonstrated Performance and Reliability: Global enterprises trust OpenMarket with their mobile engagement business because of their scalable and highly reliable platform, industry-leading SLAs and operational expertise.

•          Industry-leading, cloud-based Mobile Engagement Platform allows enterprises to create custom mobile solutions without the need for their own technical infrastructure

•          400+ enterprise customers, including 4 out of the top 10 global brands; ability to reach 3 billion mobile users

•          Flexible, scalable platform architecture, processing over 1 billion messaging interactions per month

•          Demonstrated 99.99% availability using autonomous, geo-redundant systems


Global Scale: A number of the world’s largest enterprises choose OpenMarket for their global reach, market leadership, capacity and support, helping them engage with their customers and employees globally.

•          Connectivity to more than 200 countries globally, accessing 3 billion mobile users while processing over 1 billion messaging interactions per month

•          Serving more than 400 enterprises worldwide with an experienced staff of 200


Corporate Maturity: Enterprises partner with OpenMarket for their breadth of solutions, industry expertise, financial stability, mature business practices, data security and privacy policies. All of which help minimise business risk and optimise ROI.

•          15 years of experience delivering mobile engagement solutions across different organisational departments, industries and mobile channels

•          A wholly owned subsidiary of Amdocs (NASDAQ: DOX), a multibillion dollar public company with 250+ service provider customers in 70 countries

•          Mature security and privacy standards including adherence to country-specific regulations, Safe Harbor, PCI and GLBA compliance, and targeting ISO27001 certification


To find out more about OpenMarket visit www.openmarket.com.


Sponsor Spotlight: ImpulsePay

Impulsepay logo on white

Impulse Pay is one of the leading Payforit provider.

Through ImpulsePay, business of all sizes can now offer Payforit to their customers as an easy method of payment.

Backed by all the UK operators, mobile billing can increase your revenue by 50%.

ImpulsePay can be used across a wide range of Industries.

ImpulsePay launched in 2009 by Interlinked Media Ltd (a UK/US Marketing business which was sold in 2010), ImpulsePay is now an independent, profitable and growing UK business.

Our dashboard provides instant reporting, meaning you always have an accurate statement of every single payment through your account.

Pioneers for Payforit: We’ve worked extensively with the mobile networks and the industry organisation AIME to help create the latest iteration of Payforit.

With Payforit 4 from ImpulsePay, you can now embed the payment window directly onto your website or mobile web app. This ensures customers are never directed away from your site, they can pay quickly and easily within your branded checkout environment – with the reassurance of a secure transaction.

Our input into the Payforit working group was instrumental in shaping Payforit 4, and we continue to work with the industry in bringing new features to Payforit.All revenue is automatically paid to you 45 days after the end of the month, no waiting 2 or 3 months for your money to arrive.

If a customer is browsing on a mobile data connection (3G, gprs) ImpulsePay can automatically detect the mobile number and present a single click payment screen. There is no need for a customer to enter any of their details whatsoever, they simply click the ‘Buy Now’ button to make the payment.



With Payforit 4’s new Click&Pay functionality, ImpulsePay can now send a text message with a direct link to the merchant’s payment page.

When the customer reaches the payment page, they are presented with an auto-detect payment screen, regardless of what type of connection they are on, increasing the likelihood of a purchase.


For more information please visit their site: www.impulsepay.com










Sponsor Spotlight: Enarpee

enarpee logo

Enarpee Services are the World experts in Regulatory Advice, Due Diligence, Compliance and Product & Service Audits for Companies utilising Premium Billed Mechanisms in support of their services to Consumers.

Since their launch in 2006, Enarpee have evolved to become the UK’s largest Independent Regulatory and Compliance Support Services Company.

We will test and evaluate your service and ensure it meets all the necessary requirements, all messages and verifications are in place etc.

We have an extensive range of clients that we work with on an ad hoc and retained basis:

  • Network Operators
  • Level 1/Technology Aggregators and Providers
  • Level 2 Content Providers and Marketing Companies
  • Broadcasters
  • Affiliate Marketers

Meet the Team:

Neil Penny – founding Enarpee Services in 2006, Neil has 34 years of Systems and Telecoms experience. This includes 10 years in HM Forces (Army) where he specialised in secure data and radio communications.

Paul Craig – Paul joined Enarpee in 2009 and has over 27 years senior management and board level experience in the telecoms industry.

Nicki Humphries – As the Company Financial Controller Nicki has over 15 Years of Commercial Finance Experience. For the last 4 years, Nicki has been managing and auditing the accounts for Enarpee Services.

Kirsten Calland – Kirsten is Enarpee Service’s Head of International Operations and has a wealth of experience gained over many years working in the Telecoms Industry.

Neil-Enarpee    Paul enarpee    Nicki enarpee    Kirsten enarpee

Services Offered by Enarpee include

Broadcast Support – Compliance Management and Support for Companies providing services in the Broadcast Sector – Whether you are providing a Participation and Quiz TV Service or you are promoting a competition, we can verify compliance and authenticate any interactive voting services. We have provided this support for one of the world’s largest broadcasters, to some of the smallest. Enarpee are regularly a first port of call for Channels and TV stations that wish their Process and Services to be fully audited in Compliance with Ofcom requirements. Come and speak to us about your specific assistance needs and we’ll be delighted to help you.

Product Testing – We will test and evaluate your service and ensure it meets all the necessary requirements, all messages and verifications are in place etc. This service is available in every territory we operate.

Product/Service Audits – A comprehensive & detailed review and audit of your products or services to check for regulatory, legal and code compliance with recommendations as required ensuring full compliance.

Crisis Management – Timely practical advice and assistance when problems arise with any aspect of your service offerings. Available when you most need it.

Telecoms & Gaming Regulatory Service – Clients receive up to date briefings, interpretation and advice on regulatory developments from all Government Agencies, Regulators and Network Operators.

Compliance Representation – In the event that you have issues, we can either act on your behalf, compiling your initial case and response to the regulator in a professional manner in order to defend or mitigate the issue, or we can work alongside any existing legal team you may have employed. In addition we will manage Appeals and plan contingency arrangements. Check out our ‘Legal Services’ tab at the top of the page, to see more information about our own Legal Partner team.

Learn more about their Services