Fonix and Global lead the way with RCS for Valentine’s Day campaign

Fonix has partnered with Global, the Media & Entertainment Group and Google in promoting Zing Flowers, a Global owned company, using Rich Communication Services (RCS).

The RCS marketing campaign launched just before Valentine’s Day across Global’s Capital FM and Radio X opted-in database of listeners to promote the purchase of flowers for loved ones.

RCS allows businesses to implement branded, two-way rich communications. The technology delivers interactive elements such as carousels, suggested response buttons, video and high-resolution images on mobile phones.

RCS is now fully enabled in the UK and with momentum continuously building and customer demand increasing, RCS is well on its way to becoming the primary next-gen messaging tool for today’s B2C messaging.

Joel Stern, Commercial Enterprise Director at Global said: “We always strive to lead the way and with a proud record of mobile innovation, we’re very excited about the opportunity RCS represents. As compatible handsets grow, so will the number of consumers we can reach and this could completely transform the way we communicate with our listeners.”

Stephen George, Commercial Director at Fonix added: “We’re thrilled to be working with Global – it’s been great to showcase the exciting work that we’ve been doing behind the scenes to drive RCS forwards.

“If everyone comes together and gets moving: mobile operators and RCS Messaging hubs (e.g., Google, Samsung, etc.), the industry, brands, and enterprises have a real promising opportunity ahead.”





Cancelled: PSA Forum 12th March

Coronavirus calls halt to Forum

Dear Members

We have just been informed by the PSA that in light of the changing situation with coronavirus and the fact that some people are no longer able to travel to Canary Wharf on Thursday, they have decided to cancel the forum. The purpose of the forum  was intended to be the first event in their programme of stakeholder engagement on the Code.  PSA have said the engagement programme will continue and they will be considering how to best to deliver on this.

They apologise for the short notice and any inconvenience this may cause.

Our workshop on the 18th is still going ahead as planned at this time and is nearly fully booked.

Kind regards

aimm Executive Team


Announcing our 2020 Board

We are pleased to welcome our new aimm Board!

Following the call for nominations during the month of February we received 5 nominations for the vacancies which had 6 spaces available. As such there will be no necessity to go to a vote.

We are pleased to announce that our nominated members are duly elected to the Board. We would ask that you join us in congratulating them.

The aimm Board now comprises of :


Abi Hillman – ITV

Jonny Brown – sb7

Kevin Dawson – DMB

Nick Millward – mGage

Oliver Cooke – IMImobile

Learn more about our 2020 candidates.

They will be joining our existing Board:

Neil Johnson  – aimm Chair

Toby Padgham – aimm Executive Director

Joanna Cox – aimm General Manager

Rob Weisz – Fonix (Vice Chair)

Eric Feltin – Safari Mobile (Vice Chair)

Alan Partington – Telecom2

Caroline Press – Three

Chris Newell – Donr

Claire Taylor – Telefonica

Joel Stern – Global (co-opt)

Kerry Howard – BBC Children in Need (co-opt)

Alex Haffner – Fladgate LLP (co-opt)

Our new Board members will officially start their roles on the 1st April and will be at our next Board meeting, and we look forward to working with them.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank James Macfarlane at PM Connect for all his hard work and support during his time on the Board, and who has now stepped down due to other commitments.

Kind regards

aimm Executive Team