Fonix to power mobile donations across all of Cancer Research UK’s fundraising activity

Fonix, the mobile messaging and payments specialist, today announced that it has extended its partnership with Cancer Research UK, one of the world’s leading cancer charities dedicated to saving lives through research.

Fonix first started working with Cancer Research UK in 2017 for the Stand Up To Cancer campaign, a joint national fundraiser from Cancer Research UK and Channel 4, seamlessly enabling mobile donations and Gift Aid. This continued in 2018 with Fonix successfully processing SMS donations to Stand Up To Cancer made during the live show on Channel 4 – significantly contributing to the record £24.6 million raised on the night.

This extended contract will see Fonix power the mobile donations across all of the charity’s fundraising activity, including Race for Life, other challenge events such as Shine Night Walk and the Great Hike and also as a direct response to indoor and outdoor print advertising.

Kathryn Toner, Head of Individual Giving at Cancer Research UK said: “With a proven track record across all high-profile charity campaigns, Fonix’s experience and expertise in the charity sector speaks for itself.

Text to donate is a great fundraising mechanic for the charity as it is a quick and easy way that the public can donate to the charity and help us bring forward the day when all cancers are cured. Cancer Research UK receives no government funding for its life saving research and relies entirely on the generosity of the public. We’re always looking for new ways that the public can donate to the charity such as raising donations via competitions.”

Clare Charles, account director at Fonix added: “It’s been such a privilege to work with Cancer Research UK over the past two years and in this time we’ve seen how our shared passion for innovation has positively impacted the amount raised for such a good cause.

The extended partnership was the obvious next step for Fonix and Cancer Research UK, and we look forward to driving mobile donations and seeing the results across all fundraising activity.”

PSA adopts new Case Prioritisation Principles

The Phone-paid Services Authority (PSA) has established a Case Prioritisation Policy and Principles, in order to best focus its resources and efforts in enforcement cases.

“We need to make decisions about the best use of our resources in order to deliver the best outcomes for consumers. This involves making appropriate decisions about which cases to pursue through formal procedures, and which of those cases to prioritise.”

These Principles are outcomes-focussed and aim to ensure that their resources and enforcement approach is targeted to have the greatest regulatory effect.

You can find out more about what this involves by reading the full Principles

CEO of Fonix has been shortlisted for the PayTech Leadership Award

Rob Weisz, CEO of Fonix and Board member of aimm,  has been shortlisted for the PayTech Leadership Award –  for leading and playing an instrumental role in devising and/or delivering the technology strategy to support the key business objectives of an organisation, making an impact in the payments industry and contributing towards the industry’s betterment.
For more information on the awards and to view the full shortlist visit here:

Early Bird finishes this week!

We are offering an Early Bird discount for our Golf Day in September but this finishes on Saturday 15th June, so if you have been thinking of joining us don’t miss out! 

The Early Bird can save up to £100 off the event, and makes this cheaper than our 2017 prices, so an offer not to miss! Our Golf Day is open to everyone from across the interactive media, micropayments, broadcasting and cyber security industries, and REMEMBER you DON’T need to be a member of aimm to attend our events. So come along and make new contacts and enjoy a chilled drink on the green.

We will be at the stunning Selsdon Estate Golf Club in Surrey, with breathtaking views, but conveniently located a few miles from London.

If you would like to know more simply download our Golf Information Pack to find out what the day entails.

If you want to get your discount contact aimm to book your team.

We would like to thank Enarpee who are kindly supporting this event providing the refreshments buggy for the day to help keep our players hydrated, with chilled drinks and snacks to hand as you make your way round the course. Now that is what you call service!

We hope to see you there.


Thanks to Enarpee for their support.


Telemedia interviews the speakers of the OTT breakfast event

Joanna Cox – General Manager of aimm

After the Fonix breakfast event this month on OTT payments and Carrier Billing, Telemedia caught up with the speakers after the event to get their thoughts.  Speakers included General Manager of aimm Joanna Cox, as well as EE and Grabyo.

You can see the full interview from Telemedia Online here: