Paul Whiteing steps down as PhonepayPlus Chief Executive

AIME Board and Executive were taken by surprise with the PhonepayPlus news this morning that Paul Whiteing, the CEO of five years and the Director of Strategy prior to that, is to stand down in May this year to take up a lead role in the Financial Ombudsman Service.

AIME worked with Paul and his team extensively over the years, including deep involvement with the development of the regulatory 12th Code of Practice and its subsequent implementation. We found his pragmatism and reasoning to be strong and he was always ready to listen to industry participants, Board Members and the AIME Executive.

We are sorry to see him moving on and hope that we are able to establish an equally  strong working relationship with his successor. We will continue to engage positively with PhonepayPlus during the transition time and provide our full co-operation to Jo Prowse while she stands in as Acting CEO.

AIME Chairman Edward Boddington said: “Paul had a very tough role bringing PhonepayPlus into the modern world of the digital services explosion, transitioning to a principles based code and developing a culture where industry innovation could occur while ensuring consumer protection is top priority. I have worked with him for many years and I congratulate him on his new role in the financial services industry where he can carry over his extensive experience of the PRS industry.”