aimm has been successfully representing members’ interests to key regulators since 1995. aimm is at the forefront of regulatory change, ensuring that Members’ collaborative views on regulation are heard. aimm analyses every consultation released to check whether Member’s businesses could be affected and will then organise and deliver a response to the regulator, after member’s views and responses are collaborated. When a new consultation is released aimm will reach out to its members to call for feedback before delivering a considered and measured response.

  • 25/11/2015 Consumer Contracts Regulation
    This document provides guidance to members operating products using the premium SMS charging facility to ensure that the requirements of Consumer Contracts Regulation and Premium Rate Regulation are being met through model examples of services. The service examples in the document are competition subscriptions  through web discovery and through Co-Reg sites, but the principles discussed are equally applicable to other services operating outside of the Payforit environments.  
    Date Opened
  • 10/08/2015 Payforit CCR compliance Version Consultation
    Continued industry consultation on changes to payment flows to include double opt-in for certain services and to improve compliance to Consumer Contracts Regulation requirements.  
    Date Opened
    10 August 2015
    14th August 2015
  • 10/08/2015 Payforit Scheme Rules consultation
    Initial Consultation on the development of Payforit
    Date Opened
    29 May 2015
    16th June 2015
  • 17/06/2015 13th Code Consultation on Guidance and Special Conditions
    The response by AIME and its members to the PhonepayPlus consultation on Special Conditions and Guidance Documents was sent to PhonepayPlus to meet the extended deadline of 27th May.
    Date Opened
    27th May 2015
    27th May 2015
  • 21/01/2015 PhonepayPlus Annual Budget Consultation 2015/16
    Date Opened
    December 2014
    28 January 2015
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