aimm has been successfully representing members’ interests to key regulators since 1995. aimm is at the forefront of regulatory change, ensuring that Members’ collaborative views on regulation are heard. aimm analyses every consultation released to check whether Member’s businesses could be affected and will then organise and deliver a response to the regulator, after member’s views and responses are collaborated. When a new consultation is released aimm will reach out to its members to call for feedback before delivering a considered and measured response.

  • 19/09/2012 Ofcom: Service Charge Caps for 09 and 118 Services
    Date Opened
    July 2012
    September 2012
  • 02/09/2012 ComReg: Further consultation on the Code of Practice for Premium Rate Service Providers
    Date Opened
    July 2011
    September 2011
  • 27/06/2012 Ofcom Consultation: Simplifying Non-geographic Numbers – Detailed proposals on the unbundled tariff and Freephone
    Date Opened
    April 2011
    June 2012
  • 22/06/2012 Ofcom: Modifying who is subject to the Premium Rate Services Condition
    Date Opened
    May 2011
    June 2011
  • 20/01/2012 PhonepayPlus: Business Plan & Budget 2012/13
    Date Opened
    December 2011
    January 2012
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