The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 (CCR) came into force in the UK on 13 June 2014 and are designed to regulate most contracts that are made between traders or merchants and their consumers.
This Guidance has been developed by AIME in conjunction with Surrey and Bucks Trading Standards who are acting as the Primary Authority for Fair Trading under which these regulations reside.
The Guidance is designed for AIME Members who provide distance sold products and services regardless of charging mechanism to understand the application of the regulation to their services, particularly where a small consumer screen is involved or where multiple ways of interpreting the same regulatory requirement can cause confusion.
The document has been reviewed by PhonepayPlus and Ofcom but they are not bound to follow or agree with the Primary Authority guidance. Ofcom can act as a separate enforcement body for CCR under the Enterprise Act 2002 under specified circumstances requiring cross (Europe) border enforcement.
CCR does not supersede premium rate regulation. The two regulations act in parallel.
This document is Assured Advice by the Primary Authority for CCR which provides protection (detailed elsewhere) to companies who follow the advice and have registered via AIME with the Primary Authority.